Revolutionizing Recovery For Stroke Patients

Bimanual Training in the News

Nine year old violinist suffers severe stroke but now plays again following therapy that included the Bimanual Arm Trainer (link to article).

Mirrored Motion Works is proud to partner with the New York University Entrepreneurial Institute (please see video).


Our mission is to create a new standard of care for physical rehabilitation of individuals who have asymmetric limb weakness (e.g following stroke). Mirrored Motion Works designs and markets innovative equipment that empowers patients to take charge of their own therapy, improve functional outcomes, and reduce our health care burden.


Our feasibility study, presented at the Society of Neuroscience in 2015 and published in 2017, demonstrated that training with the Bimanual Arm Trainer reduced post-stroke synergy patterns, increased active range of motion and improved overall motor recovery. Learn more.


The mirrored motion Bimanual Arm Trainer helps patients use their unaffected arms to facilitate movement in their affected arms. The device, which is compliant with Class 1A requirements of the FDA, is interfaced with video games to increase motivation and performance at the back, shoulder, and arm.


The mirrored motion Bimanual Arm Trainer is available for use in both in-patient and out-patient settings. We offer training and support services for patients, providers, therapists and medical professionals. Contact us to learn more. You can also email us at

Watch this video from the Wall Street Journal 

Read what clinicians and patients say about stroke therapy prior to the BAT